So that short-term stress does not lead to real impairments, you can prevent yourself with a few rules for your own behavior. We have put together 4 tips for your mental health, all of which have a preventive effect on stress-related mental illnesses.

4 Tips For Better Mental Health
1. Plan Rest Breaks
In the hope of saving time and completing our tasks faster, we often forgo breaks during stressful work phases. The hoped-for gain in time is a fallacy. Small breaks are particularly important in these situations to stay mentally fit. If you find it difficult to consistently take breaks, you can simply enter them in your calendar and have them remind you. The appointment with yourself should be taken just as seriously as any other. Postponing is not valid! Everyone can invest 5-10 minutes break – no matter how high the workload is. Because after a short break you are more concentrated again and easily catch up on the few minutes. Basically, every effort phase should be followed by a rest phase. The time intervals at which these phases are clocked is up to you and also depends on personal circumstances and the specific load. Only one thing always applies: Every effort also requires a relief or rest phase.
2. Turn Off To Refill
Our brain is exposed to a total flood of stimuli and information for most of the day. We can hardly escape many influences. The part that we can control ourselves, that each individual can design personally, is all the more important. Constant availability via smartphone or even the clock – whether private or professional – can cause massive stress. If you pick up your cell phone every few minutes to check messages, this alone will result in several hours of use – and thus mental strain – a day. Some people even get scared or in pain if their smartphone is forgotten at home. It goes without saying that this is not healthy.
3. Learn To Enjoy
Everyone can find out for themselves what is the best way to relax. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a planned moment of pleasure, a massage, a long bath, listening to music or another relaxation technique – the main thing is that it’s good for you. For some, self-conditioning through autogenic training or meditation helps. With a bit of practice, for example, you can switch off at a certain song. Sports, reading and drawing can also provide effective moments of relaxation. Everyone should try different strategies to find the relaxation aid that is right for them.
4. Friends And Family
Social contacts are particularly valuable for psychological stability because they give you a feeling of security, like a large, soft net. When we talk about social contacts, we don’t mean the chat or the likes via social media portals, but real time together with friends, colleagues, like-minded people and family. There are enough opportunities. Simply arrange to meet up with friends or work colleagues after work and get to know them from a completely different perspective. Speak out in peace. Such positive social contacts stabilize the personality and strengthen self-confidence. Support from family and friends can work wonders in stressful situations. City dwellers in particular should be careful not to fall into loneliness due to the increased stress level and anonymity.