When you think of prison, usually what comes to mind is a huge, facility full of iron bars, dark hallways, and inmates who hardly have any type of freedom. This is because jail is a punishment for committing a crime, right? However, not many people are aware that around the world, there are actually prisoners that provide comfortable living conditions along with amazing treatment for their inmates. These prisons offer great amenities and some of the best equipment. Sometimes they are even said to be “five-star” facilities. Not quite convinced yet? Keep reading to get a better understanding of what exactly we’re talking about.

The World’s Most Luxurious Prisons
Otago Corrections Facility – New Zealand
Otago Corrections Facility is located in the lower South Island in New Zealand. Just because Otago is one of the most luxurious prisons in the world, this does not mean that security measures are taken lightly. Inmates are however provided with comfortable rooms and a lot of emphases is placed on reform through building skills. Classes are held in light engineering, cooking, dairy farming as well as many other things. Otago strives to effectively rehabilitate each and every prisoner.
Justice Center Leoben – Austria
Located in Austria, this facility is both a court and a prison complex. The Justice Center Leoben provides each of its prisoners with a single cell that includes a private bathroom, kitchenette, and a TV. Additionally, the prison is equipped with a gym, basketball court, and a large outdoor recreation area. A lot of people may argue that criminals in this prison are presented with a very comfortable sentence.
JVA Fuhlsbuettel Prison – Germany
JVA Fuhlsbuettel Prison is a prison located in Hamburg, Germany. This prison is home to many long-serving inmates who are provided a spacious cell. What does it include? For starters, a bed, couch, and a private toilet and shower along with an abundance of natural light. Apart from that, the prison also provides prisoners with laundry machines so they can wash their clothes in their own time. This sounds more like a relaxing holiday and not a facility for criminals, right?
Aranjuez Prison – Spain
Aranjuez Prison in Spain is also known as the elite prison for families. As many correctional facilities keep families apart, this institution’s innovative aims to solve this big global problem. Young toddlers and children are able to live with their incarcerated parent or spend the day with them. The prison is equipped with cribs, a children’s play area as well as adorable Disney characters that are painted on the walls. Aranjuez aims to give parents the opportunity to perform their parental duties, despite the circumstances.
Bastøy Prison – Norway
Bastøy Prison which is located in Norway has been ranked as the world’s most comfortable and luxurious prison. The prison houses roughly 100 inmates who enjoy a variety of luxurious while serving their sentence. Inmates actually come from many places around the world, with its main focus being on rehabilitation. Convicts are placed in delightful wooden cottages but are expected to work on the lush farms nearby This minimum-security prison offer activities to the prisoners to enjoy during their free time, which include horseback riding, sunbathing, fishing, and tennis. Most of the time the prisoners actually forget that they are criminals but rather a vacationer.