The only thing better than booking that once-in-a-lifetime vacation that you’ve been dreaming up in your head for months is getting an amazing deal on the flight you booked. You may think that finding the perfect flight at an affordable price is just luck and good timing, but there are actually some secrets and hidden tricks behind saving your wallet the pain of booking a pricey flight.

Secrets To Finding The Best Flight Deals
Compare On Every Discount Site
There are so many people that take the easy way out and just search for flights directly from the airline’s website, but did you know you could be spending way more money this way? Sometimes the exact same flight with the same amenities can be available on discount sites like Kayak or Skyscanner for a fraction of the cost. Airline websites know that customers would prefer to skip a step or two and book directly from them, so sometimes they make their prices higher than they actually need to be! Some airlines, such as Southwest, don’t allow their flights to be shown on discount sites, so for that, you’ll want to go directly to their page, but for almost every other domestic and international airline you should be able to compare different airline prices on just one site.
Search On Incognito
Your internet browser can track the websites you’ve been on recently, and sometimes flight websites can detect this and will make their prices higher if you’ve been looking around for a long time. This theory is one that has been circling around for years, and nobody is truly positive that it will work, but when it comes to flight prices anything is possible. Give it a shot and see if it helps. Regardless if it works or not, I usually do my flight searches on incognito so that I can start from the beginning if I want to; sometimes I think it works, other times I don’t notice a difference in price.
Buy Your Ticket At A Certain Time
There is a (proven to be pretty reliable) theory that if you buy your plane ticket on Tuesday afternoon, it could save you a good amount of money. This has been studied by and has actually proven to work well. Another trick for timing is to buy your ticket 50 days in advance of your trip. While this may seem like it’s cutting it close sometimes- if you’re a planner like I am- if it can save you some money it may be worth it!